„Drago mi je da će i kosovski premijer Aljbin Kurti i predsednik Srbije Aleksandar Vučić biti prisutni“, naveo je Rode na društvenoj mreži Iks.
Samit u Davosu traje od 15. do 19. januara pod sloganom „Obnova poverenja“.
Next week, this year's @wef in Davos will kick off! With all key themes being relevant, "Achieving Security & Cooperation in a Fractured World" particularly resonates for , the – dialogue, & the entire WEB-region. Glad to see both @albinkurti & @avucic will be present. https://t.co/HeMFXOrM1C
— Ambassador Jörn Rohde (@GermanAmbKOS) January 12, 2024